Little Acorns Fostering achieved registration with Ofsted in January 2013 and was rated “Outstanding” in 2017. Our key values lie in providing the highest possible level of care and support for our foster carers and looked after children alike.
Little Acorns primary focus is on positive outcomes and Every Child Matters.
Measures are taken to ensure Quality Assurance. These include;
- Feedback from all service users is sought on a regular basis.
- Service Users will be involved in the recruitment process for our staff and carers.
- The Registered Manager is responsible for the annual household review of all foster carers, ensuring companywide compliance with policies and procedures.
- The Registered Manager has an overall monitoring and auditing role in relation to all aspects of Little Acorns Fostering work.
- All newly approved foster families will be reviewed within the first year of their approval to ensure they are meeting their personal development plans and training criteria that is set during the Form F assessment.
- The Independent panel will review the Household review process on a yearly basis unless there are significant changes to their circumstances in which case we will conduct a review at that time.
- These circumstances include –
After the final strategy meeting of a s.47 investigation involving a carer(s)
- Where allegations have been made regarding a carer(s) practice and no s.47 investigation is pursued.
- Where there has been a breakdown in the approved carer’s relationship resulting in one carer moving out of the household. In this instance, both carers will be subject to review except
- Where one/or both carers has given notice of an intention to resign.
- Where there has been the death of a carer.
- Where a carer has been diagnosed with a serious illness.
- Where a carer has started living with a new partner.
- Where a carer is not working in partnership with the agency including a lack of willingness to attend training.
The annual household review will address the carers training and development needs for the next year and suggest, if required, alterations to their approval status. The ECM outcomes are covered to provide a picture of how the carer works with the children and young people in their care. Reports will be requested from the Child Social Worker, the school, the Supervising Social Worker, carer/s, the child/young person in placement, the birth family (if appropriate) and any other interested party.
The first review report is presented to the Fostering Panel for their recommendation and comments and subsequently the Little Acorns decision-maker for approval.
Little Acorns has full and comprehensive set of Policies and Procedures in compliance with this Statement of Purpose and the following standards and legislation.
- The Care Standards Act 2000
- The Fostering Services Regulations 2011
- The National Minimum Standards for Fostering Services 2011
- The Children Act 1989;
- The Children & Young Persons Act 2008