Our primary aim is to recruit, train and support exceptional Foster Carers to look after our children and young people.
Through proper investment in training and support we look to develop professional and resilient carers who comply fully with the National Minimum Standards.
At the core of our ethos, Little Acorns is committed to working in genuine partnership with local authorities, agencies, health and social services trusts, parents and carers in order to achieve positive outcomes for looked after children, including and at the foremost, to work toward reunification in to the child’s natural family and home.
“Like a mighty oak, we want our children and young people to be strong in their words and deeds, to be able to withstand life’s storms, grow and reach their potential and become people that others can lean on and trust”
Little Acorns Fostering’s key objective is to deliver services in order that children and young people can develop and grow within the five key outcomes areas of “Every Child Matters”:
- Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic wellbeing
To support these five outcomes we aim:
- To recruit, train and support Foster Carers from the East of England, equipped to provide a broad range of services for Looked After Children and Young People
- To recruit carers from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds to reflect the needs of the demographic of the region.
- To provide foster placements where each child will have stability, security and a warm, safe, caring environment where they can thrive
- To ensure the cultural needs of each child will be met.
- To maximise educational opportunities for all children and young people where they can develop and achieve their full potential
- To ensure a child’s physical and emotional health care needs are met and a positive healthy lifestyle is encouraged.
- To promote contact with the birth family and significant others during placement and to encourage and facilitate this as appropriate.
- To ensure a plan is developed for the child’s future and is acted upon within the timescales set at each review.
- To ensure all foster carers have training, guidance and support of a fully qualified designated Supervising Social Worker.
- To carefully match the needs of looked after children and young people with the particular skills of carers
- To ensure 24-hour support for children, young people and foster carers.
- To engender a culture of continuous review and improvement.